Here you will find the most frequently asked questions about booking a bus in Stockholm. If you can’t find the answer to your question, you are welcome to contact us, we will respond within 24 hours of office hours.

It depends on many factors, write us an e-mail or call us to check the availability of our coaches on a particular day. You can book with us as soon as you have a date in mind, you can cancel up to 72 hours in advance without any charge

We normally answer within 24 office hours.

Please contact us by mail to check what has happened.

We have 4 different coach sizes: 16, 34, 49 and 57 seats.

“One way” transfer counts as a transfer from one place to another, no extra stops and the coach goes to another client as soon as you are off your transfer. “Rent bus per hour” means that you have hired the coach for certain amount of time, if you want you can leave luggage in the compartment while making a stop or the coach can be waiting outside the restaurant while you are having dinner.

16 – 14 pieces of luggage
34 – 24 pieces of luggage
49 – 49 pieces of luggage
57 – 55 pieces of luggage

No, always with a driver.

Please fill out the form on our lost-and-found page and we’ll contact you within 24 office hours.

Please log in to our internal page.

Select the “Customer” tab, then enter your “customer number” (5 digits on top of your company name on confirmation) and “Order no.” (which is on your confirmation) to be able to access driver information. The day before (late afternoon) you will normally be able to see the information. If you can’t see the information about your driver you might wait and check a little bit later on. When we change the driver, the information is also changed.

Diesel with the addition of renewable RME and HVO.

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